FPGA function overview Features of the Cyclone IV GX FPGA device family Special length EP4CGX50 EP4CGX75 EP4CGX110 EP4CGX150 Logic Elements 49,888 73,920 109,424 149,760 Embedded memory (Kbits) 2,502 4,158 5,490 6,480 Embedded 18 x 18 multipliers 140 198 280 360 General-purpose PLLs Four Four Four Four Multi-purpose PLLs Four Four Four Four Global Clock Networks 30 30 30 30 High-speed Transceivers (Device) 8 8 8 8 High-speed Transceivers ( Board ) 2 2 2 2 Maximum user I / O pins (Device) 310 310 475 475 Maximum user I / O pins ( Board ) 128 128 128 128
For details on FPGA overview, see the page of ALTERA Cyclone IV GX .
■ EP4CGX50CF23C8N, EP4CGX110CF23C8N,
EP4CGX150CF23C 7 N or EP4CGX75CF23C8N equipped with a
■ JTAG connector
download cable variety
, such as USB Blaster compatible 10-pin socket
■ on-board clock equipped with
30MHz, 50MHz, external input possible
■ high-speed transceiver can be evaluated
Tx / Rx: each 2 channel
Equipped with reference clock (125MHz)
■ Abundant I / O is pulled out externally (128)
■ From
Rev4 with configuration ROM : EPCQ64ASI16N (Intel,
64Mbit ) EPCS64SI16N (Altera, 64Mbit )
■ From Rev3 with
DDR2 SDRAM: Micron: MT47H64M16NF-25E (1Gbit)
Micron: MT47H64M16HR-3: H (1Gbit)
■ 2 general-purpose LEDs
■ 2 general-purpose switches
Push switch x1
Slide switch x1
■ 2 status LEDs
■ Equipped with reset circuit for configuration
■ 3.3V single power supply operation
2.5V , 1.8V, 1.2 are generated in the board
■ VCCIO can be separated (tested at 3.3V at the time of manufacture)
■ 8-layer board adopted
■ Half card size 54mm x 43mm
to enlarge